La Historia Completa de la WEB


Desde el siglo pasado exactamente mediados del año 1991 hasta hoy, la Web no ha cesado de desarrollarse y evolucionar con nuevas capacidades que perfeccionan y mejoran este sistema digital. Ya en 1992 Tim Berners-Lee hizo público su proyecto: LA WEB, una idea que cambió al mundo.

Desde aquel tiempo han ido apareciendo tecnologías y empresas que giran alrededor de ella. No importa que es lo que haces, hoy puedes estudiar, hacer negocios online, jugar, ver películas o ver este vídeo gracias a la WEB.

No obstante, la web como la conocemos hoy en día no era la misma hace 26 años atrás, cuando solo existían tres navegadores web y varios cientos de páginas. Tan solo en 40 minutos mi amigo EDteam te contará TODO  acerca de la historia de la WEB, gracias por tu visita.

22 comentarios en “La Historia Completa de la WEB”

  1. The United States’ DARPA invented the technology that led to the internet. Technically, America invented it.
    A British man created the template that helped bring it to customary use.
    German and Dutch people created websites.
    America was the first to capitalize on it internationally.
    There you have a brief history on the internet’s credits.

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  3. One Brit invented the World Wide Web at CERN. The World Wide Web is simply an application of the internet. The internet itself was started by American universities.

  4. aBetterHumanBeing

    Congratulations! You, like many other brain damaged americans before you, helped the world see your country like a shack full of ignorant assholes. Thanks for spreading the prejudice!

  5. Britain doesn’t not take credit for inventing the computer or home based computers and America invented the first powered flight and without the airplane your jet engine would be useless, like your web would be useless without our net.

  6. whitesmith bonesdark

    The internet, in the 1990’s and 2000’s was the only saving grace of the Americans and world’s faulty and meager realities.the world was shit and lies and fake and worthless to many of us, and the internet, as limited as it was, was the ONLY freedom from old fucks and a stupid world of George Bush, Mcdonalds, cheap Jewish Hollywood movies and white guilt and ghetto abuses and Chinese slaves and uneducated civilians, and rich old pigs. ONLY the internet had a shred of hope.

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